Explaining Termination in a Job Interview
When you have been terminated from a job, I see it as a blessing in disguise. In most cases, it is God’s way of moving you on to bigger and better things. God closes doors in our lives to bless us with something far more significant.
However, losing your job under any circumstance can be a challenge when seeking employment. When interviewing for a new job, this is an awkward position to be in. It is essential to answer this question carefully so that you don’t jeopardize your chances. Here are a few things to consider:
Be Honest
It is always best, to be honest. If there are inconclusive facts about the situation, employers will know. Hiding information from the interviewer will only make matters worse. Explain the facts of the termination and keep the details to a minimum.
Be Brief
The one thing you don’t want to do is give too many details. Try keeping the explanation of your termination down to one or two sentences. You don’t have to get specific information about your termination. However, be prepared if the interviewer asks follow-up questions.
No Insults
It is imperative not to insult your previous employer. It is best to keep your emotions and personal feeling to yourself. Own up to your role in the situation and do not throw blame. This shows employers that you are unprofessional.
Learn from it
Instead of criticizing the organization, explain how you have learned from your mistakes or improved from the situation. This shows that you can own up to your mistakes and see the positive in an adverse circumstance.
End Positively
When you have explained your reason for termination, end on a positive note. You should always go back to your work experience, skillset, and how you can contribute to the organization. This will divert the conversation back to the task at hand.